Optimizing Windows 10 on Dell Inspiron 3000

From Jay's Cafe' Wiki

Objective: Optimize performance and directory structure of Windows 10 to make a low-cost and low-resource laptop, such as the Dell Inspiron 3000 series, work acceptably.


  • The Dell Inspiron 3000 series laptop available to me has a 32 GB MMC melded to the board as the main drive. The system must boot from this drive for a number of technical, and some not-so technical reasons. The problem comes in that the default location of many folders also are on this drive. After install a program or two, the system won't even have enough drive space to update itself.
  • The memory (2GB) and graphics (shared) don't give much leeway for Windows 10 to run, much less any application that you may want to run. The task becomes trying to lower the resource footprint of Windows 10, so programs will run at an acceptable level.


Reducing the CPU, GPU and Memory Resources Needed
---I had a clue given to me from a friend and fellow engineer. Install the damn OS to the removable microSD. I was able to do it with Ubuntu 18.04. I'm now trying with Windows 7, as I found the drivers were available.

If it works for 7, I may be able to get it to work for 10.

Trial #2
I'm creating a vm using VirtualBox with a 32 & 64 GB vdis. My thought is to place Win10 in audit sysprep mode and then move the default locations for as much as I can. Then take these disk images and dd them onto the chips in the i3000.

In theory, it should work. We shall see.