Constructing pi64
From Jay's Cafe' Wiki
Design objectives:
- a functional cycle-appropriate implementation of a C64/C128 with ethernet access on a Raspberry Pi Zero
- Minimal GUI using SDL1 as the base
- the C64 or C128 will not perform near 100% of their original speed
- Use retropi as a base install
- Configure booting to self-login CLI
apt update
Begin installing base packages to compile vice-3.2.tar.gz
apt full-upgrade -y
sudo apt install bison flex xa65 libpcap* libsdl1.2*
./configure --enable-sdlui --enable-ethernet --with-alsa --with-pulse --enable-realdevice
make -j (number of cores)
sudo make install
sudo apt install tcpser
sudo reboot
Works fine, unless you add sound. Then the max execution speed goes from 300% to 30% in both x64 and x128.
I couldn't get tcpser to connect to x64 --- Fixed (I'm stupid) settings: ACAIA Emulation enabled Mode - Swiftlink 232 - enabled Configure device #1 as Port speed 38920 start a corresponding tcpser -v 25232 -l 4 (more/less)