Build Commodore Emulators on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with framebuffer interface

From Jay's Cafe' Wiki

Begin by using the network installer for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS available here:
Select "Install"
Select "English"
Select "United States"
Select "No" to Configure the keyboard
Select "English (US)"
Select "English (US)"
Enter the name of the computer
Select an appropriate mirror
Enter appropriate proxy information
Enter name of first user. This user will have root access.
Enter a username or select the default
Enter a strong password
Again enter a strong password
Accept the Timezone
There are many ways of partitioning disks. I prefer "Guided - use entire disk and set up LVM"
I will skip this part in my documentation. Partitioning schemes can be an entire wiki in itself!
Select "Install security updates automatically" -- we will be manually editing the config file once we reboot.
On "Software selection" select the bottom two: "OpenSSH server" and "Basic Ubuntu server".

  • We want to keep installation of packages to a minimum in the case they will conflict with libraries required for the configuration we are building. You want an much control over the installation and configuration as possible.

Select <yes> on "Install the GRUB boot loader on a hard disk"
Select the appropriate choice about the system clock. It is normal that the system clock be set to UTC, but I like them being set to the local time. Your choice on this one.

Select "continue" to reboot.