Build instructions: Manjaro host, VICE-emu 3.8 guest

From Jay's Cafe' Wiki
Revision as of 14:00, 10 March 2023 by Jayctheriot (talk | contribs)
  1. Objective: Create an instance that can be freely redistributable using VirtualBox. VB was chosen specifically for the multi-platform nature of the build. I would like to create a docker, but I'm not there yet.
  2. Materials:
    1. Manjaro Install CD (manjaro-kde-22.0-minimal-221224-linux61.iso - latest avail at time of writing)
    2. QEMU/KVM to provide the Manjaro Host
    3. VICE 3.7.1 archive dl'd from Sourceforge
    4. Jim Brain's 1.15a version of tcpser dl'd from

Build instructions

  1. Installing the Manjaro host on the VirtualBox hypervisor
    1. Create the VirtualBox virtual machine using the generic linux 64-bit profile using the following specs:
      1. Virtual hard drive: 60 GB
      2. RAM: 4 GB
      3. CPUs: At least 2, I find 4 is good. More than four CPUs doesn't present a notable difference on my server. YMMV. This will be a setting you may want to toy with after everything is running.
      4. Attach the Manjaro ISO and start the virtual machine.
      5. Once booted to the live CD, select "Start Installer" at the bottom of the dialogue box.
      6. Select your language and select 'Next'.
      7. Set your timezone of choice and select 'Next'.
      8. Select your appropriate keymaps and select 'Next'.
      9. Select 'Erase disk' and 'Swap to file' and select 'Next'.
      10. Enter your user information. For example:
        1. Name: VICE User
        2. Username: viceemu
        3. Computer Name: vice-virtualbox
        4. Password: viceemu
        5. Note - I like my virtual machines to auto login and use the same password as root. There are pros and many cons to this. Use your discretion.
      11. Select 'Next'.
      12. Verify the information is correct and select 'Install'.
      13. Last chance to back out, select 'Install now'.
      14. Time passes.
      15. Do not check the box "Restart now" and click on "Done".
      16. Use the VirtualBox to remove the virtual install CD and power off the computer.
      17. Using the VirtualBox Management Interface, "Start" the VM.
      18. The first boot will take some time.
  2. First boot and updating the Manjaro operating system.
    1. Minimize the Welcome screen and adjust the resolution of the virtual's "Display" to a comfortable resolution. Right-click on clean desktop and select "Configure Display Settings" from the context menu. Larger values require more processing power. VICE looks and runs great on an 800x600 display, but you are going to want a little working area until finished. I suggest 1440x900. It is not that of a drain on resources and it is temporary.
    2. Set "Power Management" While still in the "System Settings" dialog.
      1. Under the "On AC Power" tab, uncheck "Screen Energy Saving" and click "Apply" on the bottom right.
      2. Under "Workspace Behavior | Screen Locking" Uncheck the two boxes to the right of "Lock screen automatically". Click "Apply".
      3. Dismiss the dialog box.