Difference between revisions of "Build Nightly Releases of VICE-emu on Ubuntu"

From Jay's Cafe' Wiki
Line 21: Line 21:
cd sandbox/svn
cd sandbox/svn
svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/vice-emu/code/trunk vice-emu-code
svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/vice-emu/code/trunk vice-emu-code
cd vice-emu-code/vice/
./configure -C --enable-native-tools --enable-native-gtk3ui --disable-arch --enable-x64 --enable-static-ffmpg --disable-hwscale --disable-pdf-docs
./configure -C --enable-native-tools --enable-native-gtk3ui --disable-arch --enable-x64 --enable-static-ffmpg --disable-pdf-docs
make -j $(nproc --all)
make -j $(nproc --all)

Revision as of 06:33, 28 January 2021

  • Install subversion
  • Download nightly source
  • Download required packages and configure
    • Raspberry Pi
      • SDL2
      • GTK3
    • i386 and x86_64
      • SDL2
      • GTK3
  • Build the binary and install

---Building on a clean minimal container to catch all the dependencies---

apt update
apt full-upgrade -y
apt install vim-nox vim-scripts vim-youcompleteme exuberant-ctags build-essential \
libgtk-3-dev bison flex xa65 subversion libjpeg-dev libgif-dev libpng-dev \
libswresample-dev libavresample-dev autogen libmp3lame-dev yasm freeglut3-dev libglew-dev \
autoconf texinfo yasm dos2unix lightdm -y
cd ~
mkdir sandbox/svn -p
cd sandbox/svn
svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/vice-emu/code/trunk vice-emu-code
cd vice-emu-code/vice/
./configure -C --enable-native-tools --enable-native-gtk3ui --disable-arch --enable-x64 --enable-static-ffmpg --disable-pdf-docs
make -j $(nproc --all)